
Hello, welcome to visit Wenzhou Huazhen Machinery Co., Ltd. Official website!

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Solemn commitment

1. all products sold in our factory are guaranteed for half a year. (exceptions caused by human factors or irresistible natural phenomena).

2. users can consult technical questions through the after sale telephone, and get a clear solution. After-sales service phone: 86-0577-86996858

3. in case of performance failure in normal use, the company undertakes the above warranty. In addition, if the State applies laws and regulations, otherwise, the company will comply with relevant laws and regulations.

4. during the warranty period, paid maintenance service will be implemented in the following situations.

(1) damage caused by man-made or irresistible natural phenomena;

(2) failure or damage caused by improper operation;

(3) failure or damage caused by modification, decomposition and assembly of products.

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